Examinations - Rules

  • Examinations are based to the IDTA syllabus.
  • Urgent: The syllabus on our website is not up to date.
    Please refer to www.idta.co.uk using your personal member login credentials in the Members Area to download it from there, where it is constantly updated.
  • No one and for any reason should affect the examiner.
  • During the examinations period, it is nessecary that an 8 hour per day duration is not exceeded.
  • Whoever whishes to take examinations with the modular system, he/she is allowed for one module the first time (Rumba for latin dances, Waltz for Ballroom dances), up to 2 modules the second time and up to 3 modules the third time.
  • For aquiring the Fellowship Certificate, a period of at least 1 year must have past from the date of aquisition of the Licentiate Certificate for the same dance category.
  • A professional candidate can take a Fellowship examination only in modular system.
  • For everyone, without exceptions, the payment of the examinations' fee must be done until a certain date, predifined with a corresponding note from the IDTA Greek Area, otherwise the participation will not be taken into consideration.

Examinations' Period
: March 2025

From: 08/3/2025
To: 15/3/2025


Joanne Kirkland (Theatre Branch)

Michael Sandham (Ballroom Branch) 

Thanasis Giannakopoulos

Vassilis Skepetaris